All products are provided with a free trial version. The limited free trial version is to provide you with a sufficient trial service, so we recommend that you use the trial version to check whether it suits your purpose before purchasing. This operation can help you avoid purchasing the wrong product.
Money-back guarantee
To ensure that we provide our customers with the best service and products, StreamByte offers a 30-day money back guarantee.
Most StreamByte products offer free trials, so our money-back guarantee is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions set out below.
Refunds may not be granted if the 30 day money back guarantee period has expired or if the circumstances are not generally accepted.
If you can't get a refund
Please note that most StreamByte products offer free trials and we do not offer refunds or exchanges in the following circumstances:
- Refund requests due to not reading the product description before purchase and therefore dissatisfaction with the product's functionality or results. We recommend that you read the product description and try the free trial version before purchasing.
- Refund request due to not receiving the registration code after completing the order. In most cases, the registration code will be sent automatically within 1 hour after the order is completed. However, there may be cases where the code is delayed due to spam blocking settings or Internet connection problems. In this case, please contact the StreamByte Support Team. We will reissue the registration code to you within 48 hours.
- If you have purchased the wrong product, request a refund after you have purchased the product you originally wanted from another company.
- Refund requests from customers regarding credit card fraud or other unauthorized payments. StreamByte works with an independent payment platform, so it is not possible to monitor authorizations during payments. If you have been fraudulent, please contact your card issuer. We will not be able to issue refunds in this case.
- A refund request due to a customer's change of mind, etc.
- After you have completed your order, we cannot accept your order due to incompatibility with your operating system. We recommend that you try the free trial version of StreamByte software first.
- In case of technical issues, you are expected to cooperate with StreamByte support team and provide detailed information, screenshots, files, etc. If you refuse to cooperate or refuse to try any of the solutions provided by StreamByte, we will not be able to grant you a refund.
- If the 30 day money back guarantee period is exceeded, the warranty will no longer apply.
When you can get a refund
Refunds or product exchanges are available in the following circumstances:
- If you purchase the same product twice, we will refund the price of one of the products after confirming your payment, or exchange it for another StreamByte software.
- If you have purchased two products with similar functionality, we will refund the price of one of the products or exchange it for another StreamByte software.
- If within 30 days we do not provide a solution to address the technical issue with the software, we will provide a refund.