Through the StreamByte website, you can access resources and various content. This includes software, web pages, data, messages, text, images, photos, and graphics. Please read the following terms of use before using this website and use it only if you agree to them. In addition, we may change these terms without notice, so please check the latest version.

License details

These Terms grant you the following rights with respect to the Software: After registration, we provide you with a revocable, personal, non-exclusive license to install and activate the Software on one computer only, for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not activate the Software on a network or in any way provide the Software to multiple users, unless you have purchased a multi-user license from StreamByte Studio.

Third Party Links

We are not responsible for the safety of personal information on other websites linked to from the StreamByte website. We recommend that you check the regulations regarding the handling of personal information on each linked website to ensure its safety. When you access other companies' sites from our site, your personal information may be collected, so please be sure to understand the privacy policies of those other companies.

Use of materials

The materials comprising the Software (including all logos, splash screens, page headers, images and graphics) are the service marks, trademarks and/or trade dress (collectively, the "Marks") of StreamByte or its third parties. Except as expressly permitted, you may not use, copy, transmit, display, modify or distribute any Marks in any manner whatsoever without StreamByte's express written permission in violation of copyright, trademark, privacy or other applicable laws.

Use of Software

Use of our software is subject to all terms and conditions, such as the license agreement or user agreement within the software. You must agree to the terms of the license agreement before downloading, installing or using the software from this site. Software is provided through this site. Use may not be permitted under license terms specific to the software. Please note the following: (a) You may not use the software for commercial or secondary purposes, and may only use the software for your personal, non-commercial purposes. (b) You may not modify the software, in whole or in part. (c) You may not redistribute the software to third parties. All rights and title are reserved.

Use of download service

StreamByte offers its users online download services. However, please note that this service offered by StreamByte is for personal purposes only and you should use our services only when permitted by law. You are solely responsible for any misuse of this service or any copyright violations. We are also not responsible for any misuse of the services offered on this website or any damages that may arise from using these services. Your continued use of this website will be deemed as your acceptance of these conditions.

Compensation for damages

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold StreamByte, its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against all claims, losses, actions, demands, damages, expenses, liabilities, losses and costs (including reasonable attorneys' fees) made by you due to or arising out of your User Content, your use of the Site, or your violation of any of these Terms.


All title and copyrights in and to the Software (including but not limited to any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated in the Software), the accompanying printed materials and any copies of the Software Product belong to StreamByte or its suppliers. The Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, and you must treat the Software Product like any other copyrighted material. You may not remove or obscure any proprietary notices, labels or marks in the Software.


The trademarks, logos and service marks ("Marks") used on this Site are the property of StreamByte or other third parties. You are prohibited from using any Trademarks or Service Marks without the prior written permission of StreamByte or such third parties. StreamByte and the StreamByte logo are trademarks of StreamByte Studios.


If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions,Contact pagePlease contact us at


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